Messages From the Invisible Universe – Why to get a Reading from Me

The universe is always speaking, giving us clues in all of of five named physical senses.  Since I am primarily an auditory learner, I hear and I learn primarily by listening.  My strongest psychic skill is clairaudientance.  Yet I also see visions in dreams and in waking moments, feel presences and the a sense of yes or no, or to move or be still in my body.  Sometimes I identify smells that signify the universe is “speaking” or learn by hands on experience.  I channel information for myself, and in service to others. That information is not available from my everyday identified five human senses.  Most of us have all of these senses in our everyday, and to some degree in our psychic senses.

If you are visual, think of the invisible universe as the space between your fingers and the fingers you see is that which makes your hand a hand.  If you are more auditory, think about what the tenor, word choices and pauses between words reveal about conversations and beings when you listen.  There are many psychic gifts, and no one has all of them.  We each have a collection that are uniquely our own, and shared.

The invisible universe is that which underlying reality to our everyday mundane world.  Tarot is a good tool for me to channel information not readily available by logical or rational means.  The information I receive can be about our everyday world, or information which which transcends time and space.  This is what makes any divination system work when we are open, and can greatly improve our best possible outcome of our most important choices.  We can peek into the past, present and potential outcomes of our choices.  We can find new paths and alternate solutions, or simply confirm the ones we already know in our hearts.

A reading from me will  give you a “heads up” on a question or situation.  Or perhaps show you the best path or the choices you did not know you had.  It can support your own intuition on a subject and give you information you cannot get by research, thinking on it endlessly or from advice from well meaning friends or family.  Please read the blog post Ask for more details to prepare for the best reading from me, especially if you are new to Tarot or to Tarot readings from me.

In summary, divination can reveal important information. It can help you focus on what is most important, give you a plan of action, widen your perspective on a situation or issue, confirm what you already know is the right path to take or tell you something that you did not know to factor into the choices you make.  When you work with your reading(s), they can improve your quality of life and help provide guidance in achieving healing and the best probable outcomes in your everyday visible world. 

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