Before I give a Tarot Card Reading, I have people read a short handout to help them get clear on how to ask the right question to get the clearest answer possible.  Even if you’re sitting in meditation and asking for your guidance from within, the following brief overview can help you focus and trust the message received.

Start by choosing a question on an issue, situation or an area of your life where you need guidance or more information. Clear answers to yes or no, either or questions, or exact dates are rarely available, yet most people seeking do get a truly helpful message.

Questions can have a “wide” or “narrow focus.”

A few examples of wide focus question include:

“How do I improve the everyday quality of my life?”

“What do I really need to focus on in the most in the next several months?”

“What do I focus on and do next to deepen my spiritual practice?”

“How do I best get through all these crazy transitions in my life?”

A few examples of narrow focus question include:

“I need a heads up on a specific health condition.”

“I need a heads up on a job or promotion I have been offered.”

“I am in a relationship that seems to have “gone south”.  If I stick with it will it be worth the energy and time?”  (A relationship could be with a friend, a co-worker a family member or lover – anyone you are or were close to.)

“I just met someone I want to get to know as a potential lover, friend or mentor.  Should I pursue this relationship actively?”

“What is the path to greater creativity in my art?”

“Show me what I most need to know about ________” (situation, issue, etc.)

When I do readings, I ask people to share their thoughts and ask questions after I read the cards.  This keeps me “out of my own way” and without a personal opinion.

My readings are very participatory, and part of this is listening to the seeker’s feedback,. I encourage to asking questions, asking for another card and to let me know if it “fits” and helps. I also love to hear what the seeker was thinking when shuffling, and yes, we both shuffle the cards.

What are your favorite ways to frame a question when getting an intuitive reading or when asking inside for answers?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Thanks for reading, and if you’d like to book a reading , whether in person or via Zoom, Skype or phone, please visit my Tarot Card reading page for details.